Sunday, July 5, 2009

Major Debt

Okay, since my last post we have dug ourselves into even more debt. =( Pretty much G has to fly across the country to go to court for a custody hearing, and that was $450 that we weren't expecting putting on the credit cards, as well as a few other expenses that had to go on the Discover. So here is our current debt total as of right this second.

Car: $9,903.91
Discover: $4,756.55
Citibank 1: $10,012.72
Citibank 2: $0
Child Support: $8,718.04
Student Loans: $8,892.14

The grand total being: $42,269.32.

Luckily you will see the car going down still, that's positive, child support and student loans are declining, which is positive. Citibank and Discover have been going up. Not positive. BUT I did cut up the citibank card, so that will no longer be able to increase. Whoo hoo. That is positive. I will continue paying that down at about $200 a month, until the payment gets a bit lower, such as down to $150 a month, then I will put that extra $50 to paying off the Discover card, since the Discover has a higher balance. I cannot wait until the law goes into effect where the balance with the largest finance charge gets paid first, instead of the other way around. That will help with the citicard imensely due to the fact that 1/2 of the balance on there only has a 4.49 APR vs. the 14.99 APR as the rest of it.

When exactly is that law going into effect again? I'll have to look that up. Until then, I think that's it for today!

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