Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wow Thats Scary

So now that I have everything all laid out in front of me, its a big smack in the face to know that I went from being just in debt with car payments to over $30,000 in debt, and all this in the past year. I feel that tonight and tomorrow I will be updating quite a bit so that I can get as much history as I can on here for everyone to read!

An awesome plus for right now, Gary (Fiancee) is now working between 38 and 40 hours a week instead of the 25 that he was working in the past, so that will help to bring in some extra money. Plus I have applied to a few schools to teach again in the fall. If I get a teaching job, that will help us tremndously. I don't want to get my hopes up, so I'm trying not to.

In the meantime, I'm doing a few things, I am using quite a few online websites to earn some extra money, and am little by little putting bits and pieces into an emergency fund. My goal is for $500 to start with. Then we'll move from there. I have also gotten back into the habit of cutting coupons, but only for things that we use already. No buying extras just because we have a coupon. Plus because I am pregnant, we are with the WIC program, so we are receiving help with some of our groceries.

Also, all 3 credit cards are chillin in the freezer. Litterally. If they're put away, we can't use them. It works quite well. I did break the discover out this month though to charge a 35 lb bag of dog food, dog treats, and a few other things. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that we have a puppy? We adopted him before we found out I was pregnant. Wonderful huh?

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