Well, it's been a little bit since I've posted. I will update our stats in a little bit. In the past month we've consolidated our discover and our large Citibank card, so we have about $17,000 on one card, and we have a little over $1,000 on our other citibank card. We used that one quite a bit over the last month for large purchases. (Plane tickets, gas to and from Arkansas amongst a few other things). We're no longer using that card and we're back to using the citibank card that has the $17,000 on it, but at the same time, we're hardly using that one at all either, just for small purchases here and there and every now and then for gas. The nice thing about that large card is most of it has 1.99% apr. So we pay about $300 a month on that card and the interest is only $100, so we're paying down $200 a month on the pricnipal, which is nice. Okay time to update the stats. Have a good one!
Okay so after updating the stats, I just want to throw out there, that we are no longer paying on Gary's student loans right now. He has deffered them for 6 months for right now so that is one less thing that we are having to worry about until we can get some other bills paid off.
Also, we are in the process of looking for a house. We qualify for about $100,000 home. Right now we're looking at some new homes, but I am thinking about looking at some other less expensive homes with smaller payments. If we purchase our home soon then we'll qualify for the tax credit. With the $8,000 tax credit and roughly $3000 back in taxes this coming spring we will be able to pay a NICE chunk down on the credit cards. Looking forward to it! =)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
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